Friday, August 14, 2009

Milwaukee Catholic Cemeteries -- Search Online!

I love online databases, especially for cemeteries. Within a couple minutes, I can determine if my ancestors were buried in that cemetery (and if I need to visit it to take pictures of the gravestones), and I don't have to bother the sexton or travel unnecessarily.

If your Milwaukee German ancestor was buried in one of the Milwaukee Catholic Cemeteries, you can search their database online at Most of my Germany family in Milwaukee was Catholic so this database is a treasure to me.

Doing a search for Ferdinand Bartels produced two results: Ferdinand Bartels and Ferdinand Carl Bartels, both buried in Calvary Cemetery. When I click on the name "Ferdinand Bartels - Calvary Cemetery," I am taken to the results page for him which lists the following information:
Name: Ferdinand Bartels
Date of Death: 3/25/1915
Date of Burial: 3/25/1915
Age at Death: 29
Marital Status: Unknown
Last Address: 707 1 Ave
Funeral Home: Alstadt &
Cemetery: Calvary Cemetery
Location: Block: 21Section: Row: 145s

(This Ferdinand Bartels is the son of Ferdinand Carl Bartels.)

There is also a feature below this data display that enables me to search nearby graves or crypts. When I do this, I find other Bartels family members, including a married daughter (Caroline Kramer) listed in the adjacent graves.

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